Susan Holliday Therapy

Getting started

If you would like to explore counselling or psychotherapy you can:

  • call me on 0771 301 4610
  • email me at

    Our first step will be to arrange an exploratory meeting which will last about an hour. The initial meeting is an opportunity for me to get to know a bit about you and what your needs and hopes are. It is also a space for you to ask any questions which will help you clarify the way I work.

    If we decide to start working together we will agree an initial contract of 6 weekly sessions. At the end of this period we will be in a better position to establish a likely context and timeframe for the work, or in some instances to identity additional or alternative ways to help you.

    Counselling and Psychotherapy require a commitment to regular weekly sessions. This regular contact is vital to build the safety, confidence and trust necessary to work with difficult feelings and dilemmas.

    Together we will explore new ways of seeing yourself and your present reality which open up wider options and choices, a more solid sense of self, and a revitalised experience of decision-making and acting in the world.

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